Friday 18 April 2008

Good experience at Terminal 5

Just had to blog about my experience at Heathrow Terminal 5 on Tuesday. I wasn't flying anywhere, but my client had flown in from the States the day before and was off to Milan that afternoon so meeting at the airport seemed like a good plan. Having watched all the scenes on television about how chaotic it was and how everything was going wrong, the calm, serene terminal that awaited me was a huge surprise ...

Naturally everything's new, so it hasn't really had time to look tired or battered unlike some of those people trying to travel in the first couple of days, but it really did look 'the business'! The staff to visitors ratio was huge, there was someone to greet you when you came out of the car park looking for the lift, there was someone in the lift to press the button, there was someone to tell you which way to go from there and numerous people to ask about those minor questions like where you might get a wireless connection. All in all, my clients checked into their flight, joined me in Carluccios for lunch, where we also had great service and the whole experience was a delight. Don't think I've read anything else positive about Terminal 5 yet, so thought I'd do my bit!

Monday 7 April 2008

Stormy North Yorkshire

This morning as I reflect on a great weekend with the 'Working Mums', I just want to say - The Magpie in Whitby is still the very best fish restaurant I have ever visited and well worth the snowy, sleety, rainy walk across the cliffs we chose to get there. If you get the chance and you love fresh, simply cooked, delicious fish, don't miss it. On our journey back we stopped at Harrogate for a bit of shopping, wandering and of course a visit to Betty's for tea. What more can a girl ask for? Don't answer that!