Thursday, 20 November 2008

Meet Freddie!

Meet Freddie, he is the newest member of the family, moved in on Sunday and is entertaining us all with his antics and his adorable face. Freddie is an English springer spaniel puppy of eight weeks old, with all the bounce and fun you'd expect. We're getting to know him and starting his training now!

Tuesday, 11 November 2008

Keeeep dancing!

Surely I must have blogged at some time between August and now? Where has the time gone to? Credit crunch or not, things are very busy at Nicky Stephen Marketing and my forward thinking clients are certainly not battening down the hatches and doing nothing - quite the opposite - they're looking for innovative solutions to drive their businesses forward (with some budget consciousness of course!). Children are back at school, nights are longer, Halloween and fireworks have passed by without disasters here and we're on the hectic run through to Christmas! Apart from work, the fabulous new Highcross centre has opened in Leicester, so some retail therapy has been a must, we've done a great village fund-raiser to renovate the church and its war memorial and of course Saturday and Sunday evenings have had to involve a bit of cheering on Austin Healey and his dance partner Erin on Strictly Come Dancing. My youngest child announced that he wanted to marry Austin's oldest daughter when he was 3 so loyalty still prevails even though he's not so keen on the idea of marriage to anyone now. We all try to watch at the weekend, keeeeeep on dancing Austin!