Thursday, 5 February 2009

Just a bit of snow!

This is the view from my office window today!
I for one am enjoying seeing some snow, it reminds me of my childhood - and yes, I have seen snow in the last 25 years, but somehow I'm reliving the excitement of sledging and building snowmen through my children. Despite a couple of recent skiing holidays, seeing your own garden and surroundings bathed in that magical white stuff is slightly different. I'm getting loads of work done because the telephone has been quieter for the last few days as people struggle to get to their various workplaces and I'm able to look out of my office window and watch my boys build an igloo in the field below. What more could I wish for?

This is when it's great having an office within walking distance of my front door, but my sympathies lie with head teachers today, having to make the decision as to whether to open or close the schools. The local news was full of the local director of education trying to keep as many schools open as possible and I applaud the sentiment - it's not easy trying to arrange childcare at half an hour's notice. However, it's never as simple as just clearing the playground so that they break no bones - rather the getting to and from school in the first place. I'm glad I didn't have to dust off my car this morning and slither down the hill to try to get out of the village and I know my children will remember this week for the rest of their lives as a very special time simply having fun with their friends.