Wednesday 24 June 2009

Design Leicestershire

Went to the launch of the Design Leicestershire book last night at Athena in Leicester where I bumped into a fellow delegate from the original Microsoft course on blogging that I went on. He asked if I was still musing and I suddenly remembered that actually I haven't blogged for about a month, so it's about time I did!

The book, with its distinctive yellow and black logo, outlines Leicestershire's rich history in design and brings the reader up to date with the movers and shakers in the county's design community today. Why a book in today's internet age? Peter Hogarth, the International Trade Director for UKTI East Midlands got it in a nutshell - yes websites are important, but in his line of work there is still a place for a substantial printed directory with gravitas which international delegations can be shown when they visit the UK and which can be used overseas to generate new business. My copy's on the coffee table in my office and I will be showing it to my overseas clients whenever they visit me.

The design industry contributes a huge amount to the UK economy, as witnessed by the Cox Report. It doesn't just revolve around London, the wealth of great designers and marketers based here in Leicestershire is something we should be shouting about - so I am - consider this shouting!