Friday 1 February 2008

Blogging and beds

It's been an interesting week, not least because it began with my birthday, which was fun, but also because I'm trying to keep up to date with what's new on the digital media scene - pretty vital for someone whose day job is marketing and PR - However, speaking as someone who can't even programme the video without referring to my 8 year old son for guidance, this blogging stuff is new for me! I went to a workshop yesterday where Microsoft's Eileen Brown persuaded us that blogging's simply something we should do, so it's Friday and I thought I'd have a go.

More importantly, I've really enjoyed the projects I've worked on this week, many and varied ... the first is a fantastic new bed called Sleepflex Coolwave - which I'm promoting - so good that I've put my money where my mouth is and I'm expecting delivery of one in the next couple of weeks. It is over ten years since I last bought a new bed and my other half is constantly complaining of back ache, so I guess it was time to do something about it. I was at the country's biggest furniture trade show last week Interiors 2008, so there was plenty of opportunity to try out a few beds - this one's different, because it incorporates memory foam which is incredibly supportive and comfortable, but it doesn't get hot ( a regular complaint about memory foam beds) because it incorporates a plaited foam system that allows air to circulate freely through it. You'll soon see the product advertised in home interest magazines and you can already try it out at Furniture Village stores and other leading independent furniture stores around the UK. Do I sound convinced? I am! Well, my first blog done, I'll now work out how to publish and you never know, I might manage to wax lyrical again soon!

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