Thursday 17 September 2009

Hotels of distinction!

Staying at Las Vegas Hotels is something else! Over the years working with my client there I've been lucky to stay at a variety of great hotels - this year it's the Palazzo, last year it was Mandalay Bay and before that a couple of times at the Paris and Caesar's Palace. It's useful for me to experience first hand how some of these top hotels do things - I work with a lovely independently owned hotel in Leicester which is constantly investing in upgrading their facilities and services - visit and there are things I can draw from what I see in the US that come in useful back home.

Las Vegas is incredibly theatrical, it takes a while to appreciate, because first glance for us Brits creates that 'is this for real?' feeling, but these hotels are really very clever. In the middle of the desert what do they have? Sunshine year round, gambling, girls, but also real luxury, designer clothes stores and great shows. No expense is spared and it's all about fun, fun, fun and treating yourself. Apparently the Bellagio Hotel has more Michelin starred chefs than the whole of Paris - quite some accolade.

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