Tuesday 1 June 2010

Beware rolling advertising contracts

A word of warning to check the small print ... a client of mine signed up for an advertisement on a television screen in register offices a couple of years ago. He was sold it on the basis that it was for two years and on that basis he agreed. He was asked to sign the agreement and to set up the payments which were made over the period of the first year. Unfortunately, he missed something crucial on the contract's small print which said that if he wished to cancel the ad after the two year period was up, he had to give twelve months notice i.e. he had to cancel after the first year of advertising. Indeed, he was stung for another two years worth of advertising that he did not wish to take and furthermore had to cancel the agreement in writing otherwise he would find himself invoiced for year 5 and 6 too.

Quite apart from the fact that this is appalling business practice on the part of the company selling the deal, I would caution anyone to take advice before signing up for advertising for such a long period of time. I'd be happy to offer advice on this or other such advertising connundrums to anyone who emails me!

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